January 2023: New Year, New Beginnings
It’s a new year, a new beginning. We can be hopeful about what’s to come. This could be your best year yet! All it takes is a little positive thinking and a good dose of optimism. Sure, things will happen that can put a dent in a good attitude, but you always have a choice in how you respond. And if you get derailed from that road to peace and happiness, get back on track and keep truckin’.
One way to have peace of mind is to get organized and declutter, which is a good way to celebrate National Clean Off Your Desk Day on Jan. 11. If you missed it, there’s still next year. It’s also a good way to spend cold winter days and nights. Some people are better able to keep clutter at bay, but if you need help getting organized, here are some tips.
Tips To Keep Your Home Decluttered
When you bring something into your home, decide where it goes before you put it down:
- If it’s mail, have a place it belongs before processing it, so it’s not just a pile on the table.
- Recycle or trash the stuff you don’t need immediately, and put bills and other important items in a specific place for bill-paying day.
- Have a filing system where these things will go once you’re done with them.
- Hang up coats and jackets, and have a place for outerwear to go, rather than the back of a chair.
- Ask family members to help keep things organized.
- Little ones enjoy helping; start them young, so it’s a habit, not a continuing battle.
Focus on one area in your home at a time and reduce the excess things you have. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel once this is done. One rule of thumb is if you don’t love or need it, get rid of it.
- After clearing your area, take the trash to the bin immediately.
- Put donation stuff in your car to drop off and set aside time to do it. It will only take a few minutes, and then reward yourself for getting the job done — a coffee, ice cream cone, massage appointment, or quiet time to enjoy your clean space.
- Start with a small area like your desk, kitchen counter, drawer, or closet. Take a before and after photo. Once you see the difference and what the rest of your home COULD look like, it becomes easier to tackle the next area.
Coming next month, from Feb. 10–12, is the 51st Annual Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show. You’ll find us in our usual spot, along with nearly 250 other businesses that offer services for updating your home.
Feature Project: Crafty Makeover
Spark inspiration from our additional projects by exploring our portfolio.
Welcome Baby William
Announcing another new member to the Willet team! Karl and his wife Lauren added a son to their family. Baby William joined his sister Valencia to make the family a foursome.
Design Corner
To continue our decluttering theme, upgrading your closet system for better storage options goes a long way toward lessening the feeling of a cramped space.
This closet didn’t change in size, just organization layout. (Yes, it looks like it grew, but the dimensions didn’t change, we promise).
Fun Fact
As we get ready to hunker down for the winter, perhaps thinking about sandy beaches will help. Mark Anthony had white sand from Egypt shipped to Turkey to cover an entire beach for Cleopatra when she was on vacation on Sedir Island.
Sedir is now known as Cleopatra’s Island. Each grain of sand is a perfect sphere, and for this reason, the beach is heavily protected by the government.
Let’s Talk
Request a no-hassle consultation with our team today.